Even though consumer contests requiring beer purchase are banned, it is still allowed to organize other games on a beer website to indulge the consumers\' appetite for games and provide the joy of victory. The new one-litre Rock Fatboy did not instantly appear before the consumer. In order to see the new wonder product one had to make an effort, choose a square to his or her liking and send a paid text message. All in all, a total of 1000 SMS messages were sent.
Kuigi tarbijamängud koos õlleostu kohustusega on keelatud, siis muid mänge võib õlleveebis endiselt korraldada, et tarbija mänguhimu rahuldada ja võidurõõmu pakkuda. Uus liitrine Rock Fatboy ei ilmunud sugugi kohe tarbija ette. Selleks, et uut tooteimet näha, tuli ka ise pingutada, endale meelepärase koordinaadiga ruut valida ja tasuline SMS saata. Kokku saadeti üle 1000 SMSi.
Art Director