Finantsettevõttena on keeruline inimesi positiivselt üllatada. Sel lumevaesel jõuluajal otsustas SEB näidata, et tõelise meeleolu loomine on inimeste endi kätes. Ehitades dirigendipuldi ja kaasates Rahvusooper Estonia Sümfooniaorkestri, andsime julgetele inimestele võimaluse luua oma jõuluime. Üritusest valminud video oli SEB ametlik jõulukaart, mida vaadati kokku enam kui 154 000 korda. As a financial company it is difficult to shine out. That’s why SEB wanted to show that creating the Christmas spirit, is in people’s own hands. By building a conductor’s stand and collaborating with Estonian National Orchestra, we gave people a chance to create a true Christmas miracle. The video of the event was the official SEB Christmas greeting card, which was watched more than 154 000 times.
Creative director
Project Lead