The clips that used the Rahapäevik (Money Diary) visuals were placed directly before the beginning of popular serials and movies. The uniqueness of the clips was that they described the content of the show/movie and tied its message directly with the context. We used 12 clips with different messages. For example, for Desperate Housewives we used a clip that said that this show contains intrigues, relationships and passion, but Top Gear emotions, breaking sounds and engine noises. Inside the shows there were regular TVC clips that used the same visuals and talked about the advantages of Rahapäevik. Accordingly to the survey (Norstat, dec 2010) 70% of the target group noticed the TV campaign. Results: ROI, achieving client’s goals. This TV campaign was a part of a bigger campaign, the total results for the whole campaign were as follows: * When the campaign ended, 96% of clients used the new internet bank (goal was 80%) and that showed that the new web was well received. * During the campaign SEB got 3 times more new contracts (goal was 2 times) than usual. As a result they gained more home bank clients than was expected and that also proves that internet channels are important when choosing a bank – if they are better that the competitor’s they offer a clear advantage. * The goal for Rahapäevik (Money Diary) users was exceeded by 15%.
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