Rock’s website was launched unexpectedly with the white-coloured Rock White Edition can. The world of Rock, which has always seemed to be black, now suddenly appears white. The only thing that remains unchanged is the name and the five-pointed star. That is why Rock, despite its impulsiveness, has the image of a highly stable and by now already historical brand. You’ll never know what appearance it takes on next. Rock White Edition has already become the most desirable Rock can for collectors.
Rocki veeb lansseeriti ootamatult valge Rock White Edition’i purgi läbi. Kui Rocki maailm tundub olevat must, siis ilmub ta järsku valgena. Ainus, mis ei muutu, on tema nimi ja viisnurk. Seetõttu mõjub Rock oma impulsiivsusest hoolimata ülimalt stabiilse ja tänaseks juba ajaloolise brändina. Iial ei või teada, millise välimusega ta järgmisena välja ilmub. Tänaseks on Rock White Limited Edition’ist saanud kollektsionääride poolt ihaldatuim Rocki purk.
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