With a slight trembling in their hearts, the car owners set off on their way towards the office every morning. This is a "Thank You" to the great city of Tallinn, communicated on behalf of the people who love the potholes on the city streets and who enjoy the morning shaking maybe a bit too much for their own good.
These people have built their own community and they proudly communicate their way of life. They share the news between each other regarding the most "ergogenic" streets in Tallinn. Just to map them for the potentially interested parties, of course. One thing we would not recommend, is to ask them about the traffic jams. They just drop their gaze and blush. Also, for them, the meaning of "I'm about to arrive".. yeah. They live the wild life.
Ok, maybe a little more serious now.
Regardless that the campaign communication and problem presentation are dripping with irony (pun intended), we belive that the core of the message is quite serious - through humour we ask the citizen to pick up the phone and call Tallinn Transportation Management to let them know their opinion regarding the state of Tallinn streets.
A Mixture of regular annoyed calls and ecstatic overjoyed 'thank-you-this-morning-was-simply-amazing calls' might be the reason, why the Tallinn Transportation Management would finally take a look at the problem.
And thats how the cookie crumbles.
Campaign page:
Kerge värin südames sõidavad autoomanikud hommikuti tööle. See võib olla võrratu kogemus. See tänuavaldus Tallinna linnale on vormistatud nende inimeste nimel, kes naudivad Tallinna tänavaauke ja kelle jaoks hommikune võdistamine on päeva parim osa.
Need inimesed on tekitanud enda kogukonna ning kommunikeerivad julgelt paktiseeritavat elustiili. Nad jagavad omavahel infot Tallinna "erogeenseimate" tsoonide kohta, et seda maitsekalt huviliste jaoks kaardistada. Ummikute kohta ei tasu nendelt tegelastelt kommentaari küsida. Nad suunavad pilgu maha ning punastavad. Ja lisaks, nende jaoks lause "Ma kohe jõuan"… nojah. Nad elavad ikka metsikut elu.
Okei, tõsisemalt nüüd veidi.
Vaatamata sellele, et üleskutse ning probleemi püstitus Tallinna linnakodanike nimel on irooniast nõretav on siiski kampaania sisu tõsine ning läbi huumoriprisma jõuab tegevus tulemuseni, mil inimesed helistavad Tallinna Transpordiameti numbrile ning annavad teada enda arvamusest seoses teede olukorraga.
Segu tavapärastest ärritunud kõnedest ja ekstaatilisest õnnest joovastunud "aitäh-tänane-hommik-oli-imeline" kõnedest võib olla just põhjus, miks lõpuks vaadatakse seda probleemi ka Tallinna Transpordiameti poolt tõsisemalt.
Ja just seda ongi vaja.
Kampaania lehekülg: