We felt that handing out flyers is not enough for e-country like Estonia to rise HIV awareness. That’s why we turned to modern and innovative solution - AUGMENTED REALITY - engagement through many senses. With iPad in hands and headphones on, everyone is invited to go through very personal audiovisual animated story about HIV. Using Augmented Reality for spreading the message enables introducing a sensitive topic through a fun and engaging activity. It creates direct contact with people and considerably lengthens the duration of contact up to 2,5 - 5 minutes.
Eestis nakatub keskmiselt iga päev üks inimene HIV-i. Flaierite jagamine ei ole piisav, et tõsta teadlikkust antud teema kohta. Sellepärast võtsime sõnumi edastamiseks appi uue tehnoloogia - Augmented Reality - kaasamine läbi mitme meele. iPad käes ja kõrvaklapid peas, saab igaüks isiklikult kõnetatud HIV teemal.
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