We used the radio drama format and it was hard to stop listening. Thanks to it we made it possible to take some time off and gave the listener a chance to re-live in 3 minutes the long and tricky process of changes that happened to the character. The link of the Christmas fairy tale also spread with viral mail and the results were better than the results of the previous campaigns that were made with TV and print ad support.
Kasutasime raadiokuuldemängu vormi, mille kuulamist on raske katkestada. Tänu sellele saavutasime aja mahavõtmise ja andsime kuulajale võimaluse minategelasega toimunud pika ja keerulise muutumisprotsessi kolme minutiga läbi elada. Jõulumuinasjutu link levis ka viral mailina ja tulemused ületasid varasemaid tele- ja printreklaami toel toimunud kampaaniate omasid.
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