A calendar that consists of fanciful photos meant for the partners and clients of Wolf Group. Wolf Group honours fairy tales and legends, especially those, where the main character is a wolf. Hence the thorough element on all 13 photos are the fairytales which include wolves in it - Red Riding Hood, Wolf and 3 Little Pigs etc. Most of the time these tales do not end happily for the poor wolf, despite of that in our photostories they do - because when everyone in the team gives a maximum, only good things can happen.
Fantaasiaküllastest fotodest koosnev kalender Wolf Groupi partneritele ja klientidele. Wolf Groupis on au sees legendid ja muinasjutud, eriti sellised, kus peaosas on hunt. Seega on elemendiks 13l fotol erinevad hundiga seotud muinasjutud - punamütsike, hunt ja kolm põrsakest jt. Valdavalt ei lõpe muinajutt hundi jaoks soodsalt, kuid meie kalendri fotolugudel see siiski nii sünnib, sest Wolf Groupis on seadus - ellu jäädakse vaid siis, kui kõik toetavad kõiki ja kõike tehakse koos.