Saaremaa created a new fun party, which was named the Estonian Moustache Party. We made use of the elections of European Parliament, getting a huge amount of free media covearge. Moustache Party was present with humorous topics in the places, where the attention of media was turned, it was always topical. It was the greatest and coolest promotional campaign aimed at the consumers of strong alcohol created by Saaremaa in which the consumer could participate himself for real, which he could experience and share with his friends.
Saaremaa löi uue naljaerakonna, mille nimeks sai Eesti Vuntsikandjate Partei (Estonian Moustache Party). Kasutasime ära Europarlamendi valimisi, saades nii kuhjaga tasuta meediakajastust. Vuntsikandjate Partei oli oma humoorikate teemaga kohal seal, kuhu oli suunatud meedia tähelepanu, oli päevakajaline. Saarema poolt kange alkoholi tarbijale tehtud läbi aegade suurim ja mönusaim promo-kampaania, milles tarbija sai ise reaalselt osaleda, mida ta sai ise kogeda ja oma söpradega jagada.
Art Director
Creative Director