We took the letter M as a part of the Monstrum logo and made a silver paper form out of it. We fill the form with water and put it in the freezer. When the freezer had done its work we placed the M-shaped ice cube on the black paper to melting. When the lights were put in the right position our simple stage was ready for shooting. The camera was programmed to take photos in a certain frequency. As the next step the photos were converted into video frames and all that was presented backwards. Finally the texts, music and logo were added, and ready it was!
Voolisime hõbepaberist Monstrumi logo M-tähe kujulise vormi. Täitsime selle veega ning panime sügavkülma jäätuma. Kui külmik oli oma töö teinud, eemaldasime hõbepaberi ning asetasime jäämonstrumi musta paberiga kaetud anumale sulama. Ülalt valgustas protsessi hõbepaberisse mässitud valgusti ning jäädvustas kõike iga hetke järel fotoaparaat. Pilditöötluse läbinud fotodest said filmikaadrid. Filmi panime tagurpidi mängima, lisasime tekstid, muusika, logo ja valmis ta oligi!