Surprise your friend Time: October 2011 Agencies: Age McCann and Timo Porval Product: Kalev’s Classical chocolates in new packages Target group: 14–35 year old Estonian residents The goal: To refresh the image of a brand that was perceived as old-fashioned and classical. Creative solution: “Organize a surprise for your friend with Kalev!” The internet campaign transferred to the homes/offices of the consumers – into real life. On Kalev’s Facebook page 5 campaign participants were raffled out who could organize a surprise for their friends with the help of the specialist hired by Kalev. The surprises were filmed and they went viral in the internet. Media strategy: We used internet and Facebook banners to promote the campaign and put the surprise videos on YouTube. The results: Thanks to an unusual message/prize and Facebook banners that precisely targeted younger target group the number of participants was massive – over 5000 people wanted to surprise their friend and there were over 1000 comments on Facebook page. In the end part of the campaign, the surprise videos were posted on the Facebook page and started to get their own comments.
„Korralda oma sõbrale Kalevi abil üllatus/pränk!” Internetis toimunud kampaania kandus reaalselt üle tarbija kodudesse/töökohtadesse – reaalsesse ellu. Kalevi Facebooki lehe kaudu loostiti välja 5 kampaanias osalenut, kes said oma sõpradele Kalevi poolt palgatud spetsialistide abil reaalse üllatuse/prängi korraldada. Üllatused filmiti üles ja need muutusid omakorda viirusklippideks internetimeedias.