Rajaleidja wanted to remind 14-18 year olds with this commercial that after high school it's also an option to go and study aboard, to come back with the new knowledge and start building a career afterwards. We asked accomplished local rap artist Metsakutsu along with producer DJ Critikal to join in with the project to give this message a theme that the target audience would acknowledge. Visually we decided to approach Tolm studio, who animated the clip for us. Our plan was to make a commercial that would communicate the socially important message in a way that would be interesting to watch and hear for the target audience.
Rajaleidja esitas juuresoleva klipiga meeldetuletuse 14-18 aastastele noortele, et pärast keskkooli võib õppima minna ka välismaale ning seejärel kogutud tarkusega tagasi kodumaale karjääriredeleid vallutama naasta. Kaasasime räppari Metsakutsu ning produtsendi DJ Critikal, et läheneda antud temaatikale sihtgrupile tuttaval viisil. Visuaalselt lahendasime klipi animatsioonina, mille pani elama Tolm Stuudio. Meie eesmärk oli luua klipp, mis lisaks sotsiaalselt olulisele sõnumile on ka sihtgrupi jaoks huvitav jälgida ning kuulata.
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