The goal was to get parents thinking about the needs of their children that get bigger when the kids themselves grow. There comes a moment when the child is grown up and needs material support to start his own life. We used the habit that people keep a picture of their children in their wallet. The interactively changing picture showed how the child grows instantly. The solution was shaped like a wallet and the text was fitted organically, using surfaces that are characteristic to a wallet.
Eesmärk oli vanemaid mõtlema panna laste suurenevatele vajadustele, mis kasvavad märkamatult koos lapsega. Ühel hetkel on laps suur ja vajab elluastumiseks materiaalset pagasit. Reklaamlahendus kasutas levinud kommet hoida oma lapse pilti rahakoti vahel. Interaktiivne pildivahetuse võimalus näitas lapse “kasvamist” hetkega. Rahakotikujuline lahendus võimaldas lisada ka reklaamtekste “orgaaniliselt” – kasutades selleks rahakotis loomulikena tunduvaid pindasid.