Lego presented us with a challenge: to create a short and striking campaign to bring Lego into people’s minds and centre of attention. Keywords given by Lego were minimalistic: "Imagination", "Why?", "What if?". They wanted to see something innovative and fresh; something that would capture the creative and playful essence of the Lego brand. The purpose was to address Lego buyers and remind them of the Lego brand. Target group was young parents with one child or more aged 3-10 who are playing with Legos. The unifying link of the diffusive target group is home – young families who are searching for a home or are just following the real estate market and keeping their eyes open to great offers. Hence, we decided to advertise in a real estate portal, but our tactic was not to buy the advertisement. Instead, we were smarter than that. On the 14th of January, the sales advertisement of a house was published in the Estonian’s biggest real estate portal . But the house on sale was not ordinary, it was a house built of Legos. OUTCOME: - On the first day, the ad gained more than 22 000 views - It was the week’s most popular advertisement with more than 38 000 views (four times more than the advertisement that came in second) - The ad on the webpage was liked by more than 3 600 people – 600 times more than average (average number of likes for the ad on the webpage is six) - Two hours after publishing the advertisement, all the biggest online news portals in Estonia wrote about it: the economics portal of Postimees, news portals, and and write-ups in several humour and entertainment portals - The ad was discussed even on the radio (R2, “Silmad lahti”) - On top of it all, thousands of likes and shares in Facebook, tweets in Twitter etc All this attention to Lego cost us merely 6 euros.
Lego esitas meile väljakutse: tuua lühikese ja lööva kampaaniaga Lego inimeste teadvusse ja tähelepanu keskpunkti. Märksõnad, mis Lego meile andis, olid minimalistlikud: Imagination, Why?, What if? Nad soovisid näha midagi uuenduslikku ja värsket, midagi, mis tabaks Lego brändile omast leidlikkust ja mängulisust. Eesmärk oli kõnetada ja tuletada Lego brändi meelde Legode ostjale: noorele emale või isale, kellel kasvab peres üks või rohkem 3–10-aastast Legodega mängivat last. Väga laialivalguva sihtgrupi ühiseks lüliks on kodu – noored pered, kes otsivad kodu või lihtsalt jälgivad kinnisvaraturgu ja hoiavad heade pakkumiste jaoks silmad lahti. Sealt edasi otsustasime teha reklaami kinnisvaraportaalis, kuid mitte seda sinna ostes, vaid kavalamalt: 14. jaanuaril ilmus Eesti suurimas kinnisvaraportaalis müügikuulutus, kus müüdi Legodest maja.