Humans are not beavers!
That is sad, but true. The commercials have been lying to you.
Colgate does not turn your teeth into super-beaver-teeth.
Beavers teeth grow back, but yours doesn’t.
This is what Kliinik 32 campaign reminded us.
The Beaver made video-test to check how strong human teeth are.
They were not strong.
The videos were watched more then 14 000 times.
NB! The teeth were real human teeth.
In a digital exhibition you could watch things people nibble on,
on Facebook you could test how beaver you are.
Kurb, aga tõsi – reklaam valetas.
Colgate ei muuda Sinu hambaid koprahammasteks.
Kopra hambad kasvavad tagasi, Sinu omad aga kuluvad alatiseks.
Kliinik 32 sotsiaalkampaania pööraski tähelepanu hammaste kulumisele.
Kobras testis videokatsetes, millele inimese hammas vastu peab.
Näiteks vedelale lämmastikule ei pidanud.
Kokku vaadati teste üle 14 000 korra.
NB! Katsed tehti päris inimhammastega.
Diginäitusel said inimkoprad uurida makrofotosid näritud asjadest,
kodulehel ja Facebookis aga testida, kui koprad nad õigupoolest on.
Tutvu kopraga