People are mistaken in believing that hepatitis is transmitted only through sexual contact. In fact, one could easily be infected just by touching everyday objects. This scary fact is precisely what these banners visualize. It seems that the message hit the target – the number of hepatitis vaccinations nearly tripled as a result of the campaign, and the panel of Postimees acknowledged the banners with the “Best of the Month” title.
Inimesed arvavad ekslikult, et hepatiit levib vaid sugulisel teel. Tegelikult on nakatuda imelihtne ka igapäevaseid esemeid puudutades. Seda ehmatavat fakti antud bännerid visualiseerivadki. Tundub, et sõnum jõudis pärale – hepatiidivastaste vaktsineerimiste arv kasvas kampaania tulemusena ligi 3 korda ning Postimehe žürii tunnustas bännereid kuu parima tiitliga.
Art director