Present album of poems, photoes and music is inspired by State Forest Center campaing under the same name "The Story of the Estonian Forest" run in 2011. The aim of the campaign was to indicate that in addition to its economic value forest has also other enriching aspects to humans. The album indicated so well that forest can be an enormous inspiration for creativity. As so, Janek Mäggi's poems, Jarek Jõepera's nature photos, Sigrid Randoja's forest element graphics and UMA music were collected together. As the entire visual concept, also UMA music is something that embraces the listener entirely with its soft sound world with Guido Kangur voice reading the poems fusing info the ensamble. It was the purpose of the creatiors to create as honest product as possible - a complete unit without any exxageration or decoration, nature photoes are of different seasons and in it's mode, black and white mandalas and music are those that require devotion. The mandala element it to remind the evergoing cycle of life of the forest - it's endless and everlasting repetition of life. The album is hard covered, in kalingur binding, at the back of the book there is a CD pocket with the music.
Käesoleva muusika-, foto- ja luulealbumi mõte on inspireeritud RMK 2011. aastal toimunud samanimelisest kampaaniast "Eesti metsa lugu". Kuna kampaania üheks eesmärgiks oli tuua välja lisaks metsa majanduslikule poolele ka tema teisi väärtusi, siis antud lahendus näitab, et mets on tohutuks inspiratsiooniks ka loomeinimestele. Nii on kaante vahele saanud Janek Mäggi metsateemaline luule, Jarek Jõepera loodusfotod, Sigrid Randoja metsaelementidest loodud graafika ja UMA muusika. Nii nagu kogu visuaalne lahendus haarab ka UMA muusika kuulaja-vaataja täielikult oma pehmesse maailma, kus ka Guido Kanguri luulet esitav hääl sulandub kütkestavalt ansamblisse. Loojate eesmärgiks oli luua võimalikult aus toode – tervik, milles ei ole liialdusi ega ilustusi, loodusfotod on elurütmis ja erinevatel aastaaegadel, must-valged mandalad ja muusika on need, millesse tuleb süüvida. Mandala element toob esile metsa eluringi – lõputult korduvat ringi, mis aina kordab ennast. Album on kõvakaaneline, kalingurköites, raamatu lõpust leiab CD.
Muusika autor
Art Director