The Click & Grow smart flowerpot, created by Mattias Lepp, gained a brother - the Smart Herb Garden. This product was launched on Kickstarter and as a result of a coordinated campaign, raised $625 851 and was bought by 10 477 people long before it even hit the stores. In addition we got an impressive presence in the design and technology blogs witch helped a lot when it came time to start negotiating retail deals. This campaign was one of the most successful physical product launch by an Estonian company and hopefully will serve as an inspiration and a guide to other Estonian producers in the future.
Mattias Lepa poolt loodud Click & Grow nutikas lillepott sai endale venna - Nutika Ürdiaia. Toode lansseeriti Kickstarteri keskkonnas, ning koordineeritud kampaania tagajärjel koguti $625 851 ning toote ostis 10 477 inimest veel enne, kui see reaalselt poelettidele jõuab. Lisaks kogus toode hulgaliselt kajastust nii disaini kui tehnikablogides mis omakorda lõi soodsa pinnase alustamaks läbirääkimisi erinevate jaekettidega. Tegemist on kindlasti ühe edukaima füüsilise toote lansseerimisega Eesti ettevõtte poolt ning loodetavasti eeskuju ja teerajaja paljudele Eesti tootjatele tulevikus.