AquaSpace offers high quality sanitary equipment. The minimalist logo expresses peace, satisfaction and quality. The pure harmony of the logo conveys the high quality of the salons and products to the customer. The logo is inspired by water, therefore it uses arch-like forms distinctive to sanitary products. The brand is characterized by flowing style and innovative image. As a contrast to the pure water motive is a silver tonality that symbolizes the stainless steel used in modern bathrooms. The color choice is based on the ampleness if the water and room. The blue symbolizes water (aqua), silver color conveys the pure style.
AquaSpace salong pakub kvaliteetset sanitaartehnikat. AquaSpace minimalistlik logo väljendab rahu, rahulolu ja kvaliteeti. Logo puhas harmoonia annab kliendile edasi salongi teenuste ja toodete kõrget kvaliteeti. Logo on inspireeritud veest, mistõttu on märgis kasutatud ka vannitoa sanitaartehnikale omaseid kaarjaid vorme. Brändi iseloomustab voolav stiil ja innovaatiline imago. Puhtale veemotiivile lisab kontrasti hõbedane tonaalsus, mis sümboliseerib moodsate vannitubade sisustusele omast roostevaba terasmetalli. Logo värvivalik tugineb veele ja ruumi avarusele. Sinine annab edasi vee (aqua) põhiolemuse, hõbedane stiilipuhta tunnetuse.