Design consists of two opposing, but at the same time mutually communicating key elements, that, through the latter, make up a harmonious entity. Pure and ancient nature motive and the interior with perfect design, that contrasts and seconds it. As the package is the main advertising channel, then Eskaro brand essence is presented on it in a concentrated way.
Kujundus koosneb kahest üksteisele vastanduvast ja samal ajal omavahel suhtlevast ja seeläbi harmoonilise terviku moodustavast põhielemendist. Puhas ja ürgne loodusmotiiv ning sellele vastanduv ja sekundeeriv täiusliku disainiga interjöör. Kuna pakend on peamine reklaamikanal, siis väljendub selles kontsentreeritud kujul kogu eskaro brändi imago.