A gentleman remains stylish both when cooking in the kitchen or when working on his car in the garage. With that in mind, Andres Labi set to work to design a chic, practical and surprising tie-apron. One product - three faces. This is why the packaging also holds a triangular shape. The package itself is modest like a canvas that lets the various patterns and colours of the tie-aprons shine out.
Härrasmees jääb stiilseks nii köögis kokates kui garaažis autot putitades. Sellest lähtuvalt disainis Andres Labi lips-põlle. Šikk, praktiline ja üllatav. Üks toode – kolm nägu. Seepärast sai ka lips-põlle pakend kolmetahuline. Pakend ise on tagasihoidlik nagu lõuend, mis laseb erivärvilistel ja mustrilistel lips-põlledel uhkelt särada.