Casco and traffic insurance campaign. The main goal of the campaign was to sell more casco and mandatory car insurance. Insight from the client was that casco insurance is mainly used for cars that are financed by banks, because it is mandatory. Many people, who own a car, but dont use bank financing, also don’t use casco insurance because they don’t feel a need for it. Changing this attitude was one of our tasks. The main media mix for the campaing contained OOH solutions (backsides of buses) and online channels (display banners). However, to influence the target group, who doesn’t find casco insurance necessary, we located road intersections that have the most car accidents in Estonia (official data) and placed 6x3 billboards near those intersections. Together with the creative agency we managed to develop a message that was specifically meant to use only in those places. On the billboard design the number of accidents that had happened in this particular intersection was highlighted, and a call-to-action message to make casco insurance followed. Strategy was to use in outdoor media billboards that were located just before that have the most car accidents in Estonia. Synergy between thelocation of the media channel and the creative message complemented and highlighted the campaign’s message, which was our goal. We achieved all goals that were set to this media channel. Synergy between billboard location and message complemented campaign message.
Kampaania käigus kasutasime välimeedias busside tagumisi külgi, interneti bännereid ning raadioreklaami. Lisaks selle sihtrühma mõjutamiseks, kellel puudus kaskokindlustus, valisime välja kõige suurema liiklusõnnetuste statistikaga ristmiku, enne mida paigutasime 6x3 formaadis reklaamid. Reklaamiagentuur ning klient olid nõus meie soovidele vastu tulema ning töötasid välja just selle ristmiku statistikaga reklaami, kus oli ära toodud vastaval ristmikul juhtunud õnnetuste arv ning kampaania sõnum.