Swedbank donation environment campaign The main goal of the campaign was to increase the amount of card payments and bonus point donations. From every card payment made, Swedbank donated 0,002 cents into the fund that was later donated to different organisations. The creative agency created a Donations clock that showed how much money was being collected to this Swedbank donation fund through card payments in real time. Media agency’s main goal was to present this Donation clock to the target group in various appropriate locations. Because we identified shopping centers as the main touchpoint, our challenge was to find a way how to show the digital clock, which was made for Facebook, in traditional outdoor media. We decided to use LED screens near and inside the shopping centers. In cooperation with the channel and the creative agency we managed to develop a special solution that made it possible to show the Donations clock all over Estonia on LED screens LIVE from Facebook via internet. Strategy was to bring digital donation clock to peoples mind just before when they were paying for goods in shopping centers. Goal was to highlight message that paying with card you will increase Swedbank donation fund. As a result of the campaign the amount of card payments during holiday season increased and our client accomplished goals set for increasing their Facebook fanbase.
Kampaania tarbeks sai loodud reklaamiagentuuri poolt Facebooki keskkonda Annetuskell, kus reaalajas suurenes Swedbanki annetuse summa samas taktis kaardimaksetega. Vaja oli tuua Annetuskell inimeste teadvusesse ja linnapilti, et tekiks hasart lisada oma panus annetuse summa suurenemisesse, kasutades selleks kaardimakset. Sihtrühma kõnetamiseks valisime peamiseks kella näitamise kanaliks välimeedia ja kaubanduskeskused ning nende lähiümbruse, et tuletada kaardimakset inimestele meelde just vahetult enne ostlemist. Peamine väljakutse oli see, kuidas tuua internetis asuv Annetuskell välimeediasse, kus traditsiooniliselt kasutatakse staatilisi lahendusi. Meie ettepanekul töötas Sisetelevisioon koos reklaamiagentuuriga Newton välja erilahenduse, mille abil kuvasime Facebooki interneti keskkonnas tiksuva Annetusekella reaalajas üle interneti kaubanduskeskuste sees ning vahetus läheduses olevatele LED ekraanidele.