SEB’s RSA free petrol station The offer: Together with RSA, SEB offers its kasko insurance clients free Car Help service that includes free petrol, if you are on the road and suddenly run out of gas. The solution: Special solution for outdoor that was like a petrol station’s price board. On it was a list of free services. The price board was in different small parking lots that were about the same size as a petrol station.
Pakkumine: SEB pakub koostöös RSA-ga oma kaskokindlustuse klientidele tasuta autoabi teenust, mis sisaldab tasuta kütust juhul, kui teel olles paak ootamatult tühjaks saab. Lahendus: Välimeedia erilahendus, mis oma vormi ja kujunduse poolest oli bensiinijaama hinnatabloo. Hinnatablool oli välja toodud tasuta teenuste loetelu. Tablood eksponeerisime erinevates väikeparklates, mille suurus sarnanes tankla omaga.