The defining characteristic of the product is its round shape that is 100% suitable for making sandwiches with round sausages and cheeses and that sets it apart from others, and so we used windows on the package to emphasize the shape even more. We also used bright colours and animated characters from the TVC that suit the name Rõõmurull (a role of joy) very well.
Kuna toote eripära on ümmargune kuju, mis 100% sobib ümmarguse juustu, vorsti jne toodetega võileiva tegemiseks, siis on pakendil toote ümmargust kuju akendega rõhutatud. Lisaks kasutasime Rõõmurullile sobivaid erksaid värve ja telereklaami animatsioonidest tuttavaid lõbusaid tegelasi.