Good news to all business managers - there is no need to motivate the emplyee with a salary raise, recommend them to buy an air pump heating system from Bestair. That way the emplyee saves money on heating costs and salary increases are not needed. The goal of the clip was to direct listeners to Best Air's website, where they found a price calculator, which evaluated the heating cost now and savings with the heat pump. Translation to the clip: The boss speaking: Dear colleagues, hello! The past year has shown exceptional results, everyone striving together, back-to-back. For this, I would like to thank everybody and say that all of you have certainly earned a raise. The management has decided though not to give you a raise, but found a solution how you could still bring up your income. Install a heat pump! You’ll save a lot on heating costs and that way you will get a raise. VO: Bring up your income yourself by lowering heating costs. Check out and you’ll see how much you can save already this winter. Bestair – heavy saving on heating costs.
Kõikidele ülemustele siit hea uudis - töötaja motiveerimiseks polegi vaja palka tõsta, soovita tal lihtsalt Bestairist õhksoojuspump osta. Nii hoiab töötaja küttekuludelt raha kokku ja palgatõusu polegi vaja. Klipi eesmärk oli suunata kuulajad Bestairi veebilehele, kus neid ootas hinnakalkulaator, millega sai mõne nupuvajutusega hinnata praegusi küttekulusid ning õhksoojuspumba abil saavutatavat rahalist võitu.