Throat pastilles Mynthon's Claim: Cleans voice, freshens breath and opens the airways. As Mynthon needed Boost in stores, we created an internal radio clip, based on Mynthon arguments and so was born the supermarket announcer with a sore throat, whose announcement was often taken as truth. Translation of the clip: VO through cough scratchy voice: Juta, please come to the cash register! Juta to the cash register! Mynthon clears the voice, freshens breath and opens the airways. Take it from the the cashier, maybe even from Juta!
Kurgupastilli Mynthon claim: Puhastab hääle, värskendab hingeõhu ja avab hingamisteed. Kuna Mynthon vajas boosti kauplustes sees, tegime siseraadio klipi, lähtudes Mynthoni argumentidest ja nii sündiski kähedahäälne infotädi, kelle teadet võtsid paljud esmakuulajad tõe pähe. Jutasid kahjuks kassadesse ei ilmunud.