Lego presented us with a challenge: to create a short and striking campaign to bring Lego into people’s minds and centre of attention. Keywords given by Lego were minimalistic: "Imagination", "Why?", "What if?". They wanted to see something innovative and fresh; something that would capture the creative and playful essence of the Lego brand. AIM/BRIEF: The purpose was to address Lego buyers and remind them of the Lego brand. The target group was young parents with one child or more aged 3-10 who play with Legos. REALIZATION/SOLUTION: The unifying link of the diffusive target group is home – young families who are searching for a home or are just following the real estate market and keeping their eyes open to spot great offers. Hence, we decided to advertise in a real estate portal, but our tactic was not to buy the advertisement. Instead we were smarter than that. On the 14th of January, the sales advertisement of a house was published in Estonia’s biggest real estate portal However, the house on sale was not ordinary, it was a house built of Legos. OUTCOME: - On the first day the ad gained more than 22 000 views - It was the week’s most popular real estate ad with more than 38 000 views (four times more than the advertisement that came in second) - The real estate ad on the webpage was liked by more than 3 600 people – 600 times more than average (average number of likes for the real estate ad on the webpage is six) - Two hours after publishing the advertisement, all Estonia’s biggest online news portals wrote about it: the economics portal of Postimees, news portals, and and write-ups in several humour and entertainment portals - The real estate ad was discussed even on the radio (R2, “Silmad lahti”) - On top of it all, thousands of likes and shares on Facebook, tweets in Twitter, etc. All this attention to Lego cost us merely 6 euros.
Lego esitas meile väljakutse: tuua lühikese ja lööva kampaaniaga Lego inimeste teadvusse ja tähelepanu keskpunkti. Märksõnad, mis Lego meile andis, olid minimalistlikud: Imagination, Why?, What if? Nad soovisid näha midagi uuenduslikku ja värsket, midagi, mis tabaks Lego brändile omast leidlikkust ja mängulisust.