The main objectives of the project are better implementing the legislation on non-discrimination and fostering the dissemination of information on EU and national policy and legislation in the non-discrimination field. However, the project can also be considered to influence the national policy to combat discrimination and promote equality beyond legislation. The focus of the projects was the fight against homophobia and racism, which was dealt with independently from each other with appropriate activities. The project was managed by the Human Rights Centre at Tallinn University of Technology. It is co-financed by the European Union, Ministry of Social Affairs and Tallinn University of Technology.
TTÜ inimõiguste keskus viis 2010. aastal läbi projekti, mille eesmärk oli suurendada Eesti ühiskonna teadlikkust võrdsest kohtlemisest ning võidelda sallimatuse vastu. Projekt keskendus sellel aastal rassismi ja homofoobia vastu võitlemisele. Projekti finantseerisis Euroopa Liit, Sotsiaalministeerium ja Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli õiguse instituut. Kampaania tarbeks sai loodud spetsiaalsed illustreeritud tegelaskujud.