Who would have thought that Hello Kitty lemonade would be designed in Estonia and that Hello Kitty lemonade would taste like strawberry and cola at the same time. That's the way it is. Design targets women who prefer happy non alcoholic fashionable drinks, that's why the fashion colour of 2013 covers the can and the package itself is small can instead of a bottle. Fashion bloggers of Latvia loved the new can and it even ended up on a Facehunter picture.
Kes oleks arvanud, et Hello Kitty limonaadi disainitakse Eestis ja et Hello Kitty limonaad on maasika koola maitseline. Nii see igastahes on. Sihtgrupiks uuekooli moesõbralikud noored naised, sealt ka mündiroheline värv mis oli aasta 2013 moevärv ning väike purk pudeli asemel. Lätis võeti toode moeblogijate poolt soojalt vastu ning see sattus isegi Facehunteri fotole.