EST Samal ajal, kui mööblikauplus Softrend avas oma uue salongi Kadriorus, kolis uus presidendiproua Ieva Ilves Kadrioru lossi ja lähenemas oli Eesti Vabariigi aastapäev. Raadioreklaamis soovib president Ilves seetõttu kõikidele eestimaalastele head uut diivanit Softrendi uuest salongist. Ta teeb seda temale omase kõnega. ENG While Softrend opened up its new furniture store in Kadriorg, the new First Lady Ieva Ilves moved into Kadriorg Palace and the Estonian Independence Day was coming. In a radio ad President Ilves wishes all the Estonians a good new sofa from Softrend’s new salon for that reason. He does that with a speech characteristic of him.
Creative director
Project Lead