In the centre of the calendar, portraying the home of Estonian Pig and Ox, are warm and cosy collage-type illustrations, complemented with humorous dialogs. Some of the illustrations are designed earlier for the new web page of Rakvere Meat Factory, the others are created specially for this calendar. The illustrations are available in web for downloading as desktop wallpapers.
Eesti Sea ja Veise kodu kujutava kalendri põhifookus on sooja ja hubase tundega kollaaži stiilis illustratsioonidel, mida ilmestavad humoorikad vestluskatked. Osa illustratsioonidest on kujundatud varem Rakvere Lihakombinaadi uue veebi tarvis, teised loodud just kalendri jaoks. Kalendripilte on võimalik endale veebist ka arvuti taustapildiks laadida.
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